Saturday, June 23, 2007

Grand Canyon MADNESS!!!

My family finally got to the that big hole in ground they call the el canyon grande, and it wasn't too bad. When you first see the valley, it looks like a painting. Doesn't even look real at first sight. Gets old fast though, and in the first thirty minutes it loses that sense of awe. I was tired of just staring at it. Thought it was time to jump in and hike the ridge, but that wasn't going to happen. My aunt and uncle were here, plus my little cousins, so any "fun" was not allowed. We stuck to the touristy path, which most likely kept me from being killed. That was a better idea, because some of the cliffs were pretty steep. One wrong step, and someone could be out cold. Still, awesome, and the first world wonder I've ever seen. I guess it was formed by erosion and flooding, and slowly and surely, it got deeper.

Another giant hole we visited, or crater, was the "Meteor Crater" located in Arizona. It was only about 4000 feet wide in diameter, but just to think a meteor of 150 feet made a impact that enormous. Now, the Grand Canyon is close to 4x18 miles, but we didn't get close enough. Another thing that makes the crater much more exciting, is how it was formed. When it was first discovered, people thought it was formed by a volcano. Soon after, people realized it really wasn't, when no volcanic rock was there and meteor material was showing up instead. So at least our scientists are knowledgeable enough these days to tell the difference between the two, especially since both are very different from each other.

The highlight of this trip has just been my brother and I going around and breaking the rules. I know, that sounds lame, but we've been going into another hotel's pool and swimming at three in the morning. That was fun, since it felt like we had our own, private resort. Almost got caught, but we got out in time. Not like it would have been a big deal, but it was fun.

I'll get back on Monday, and the Monday Night Gaming Show will commence. Sorry I couldn't get the episodes of the movie and weekend news show up, but it's been tough with vacation and all. I've realized that some nights just won't get done some weeks, and that's the way it is. Life is busy, but I'm trying my best to shoot these shows out, so just be patient. Everything will be back to normal soon.

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